Justice Impacted/Trauma Awareness (JIA)


Justice Impacted/Trauma Awareness (JIA)

Africatown International provides supports for Individuals and Families Impacted by the Criminal Legal System (ESIICLS) is an initiative designed to create employment training and education opportunities among individuals who have interacted with the criminal legal system (i.e. have been cited diverted arrested charged  convicted and/or incarcerated).  Through the Workforce Development Initiative: As partners with TRAC Associates AI helps link people who are unemployed with job training in high demand fields and financial support for college prerequisite courses. 

In addition Trauma Informed Care sessions are done virtually and in group settings to help people reflect and rebuild emotionally in a culturally responsive environment. Support services are here to keep community members on track to achieve their goals and validate their journey.

9030 35th Ave SW Suite 100 Box #1005 Seattle WA 98126

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